Up In Your Face


Guess who’s back?

Lowedges sounds like this!

I hope you stub your toe and trap your fingers in the door, want more?
Brush your teeth with dog poo, step on a plug, want a hug?
You can’t have one, coz you the kind of guy to shit in a diffuser and turn it up to max, that’s facts!
Relax? I can’t because I’m in your head, that’s what I said, rent free, that’s me!

Bring it on

I’ll shut your yappin, ears flappin, you look like King Charles at the block, take his head off!
Do you understand me? I don’t charge a fee, take notes, you’re a ghost, I’m your host, you ignore all that matters most!

You’re so loud they hear you on the moon, leaving so soon? I’m not done yet.
I’m the your worst nightmare, the baddest man you ever met, yes fret, you sket.
I’d abandon you if you were my pet, wet, out in the rain. No shame, lame, a coward defamed.
You’re a fake, all talk, never saw anything good in this world, I just hurled, up in your face!

I hope you get sand stuck between your teeth and your gum, no fun.
Even if you can still get it up I hope you feel nothing when you cum, I said no fun.

Reppin’ S8

That’s where I’m from. Now all of you shut up!

And listen to me.
I don’t fuck around, you lost, I found my voice, I won, my choice, I bossed and found, you’re dead, for fun!

Go suck on a lemon, you spanner!