ghost cat

i was a timy little moth weaving and bobbing around the toes of a giant walking monolith, a hotchpotch of luscious pink sweaty skin, and dirty grease strained fabrics where I could nestle my feet between the stitches. there was a huge gravity to these enormous moving structures apparently so slow and imprecise

no weight has ever been bigger when i was flying around not just one, but three of huge goliaths, when a huge thunderous roar crashed down along with the ceiling and everything around me, sending a blast of air that cast me out of the window

only to discover i had been eight floors up in the sky my entire life. in a seemingly endless expanse above a burning city, it is then, from all the shock, and all the instant onset trauma from the blast, that i saw it, my mind heavy from the huge explosion, i was hallucinating a spirit that pierced the very clouds themselves, a literal bridge between heaven and earth, a ghost cat the size of ten mountains, with fucking laser vision or something, i could feel it burning through my soul. Was this it, was this the light at the end of tunnel, had my time come?

i flew towards this god-like being with all the ecstasy pulsing up through me from the depths of my lowest low, it glowed brighter and brighter, the burning within me and the power of this god started to unite and become one force, it felt like lifetimes were passing in front of my eyes, this WAS it, my time, now the cat’s light permeated through my entire existence, it was here, i was meeting my maker, and then suddenly..


fucking streetlight, wasn’t it!