
I don’t want to make this about “us” and “them”.

I don’t want to have a special preference for something just because I have put time, effort, and/or money into that thing.

I don’t want to think of any human being as being an “other”.

I don’t want to ignore new evidence because it’s different to my beliefs.

I don’t want to believe things whose evidence is all from the same source or methodology more than multiple sources and different reasoning.

I don’t want to rely on anecdotes and anomalies to prove something.

I don’t want to invent a relationship between two unrelated things.

I don’t want to believe something just because I think about it a lot.

I don’t want to make existence all about the human experience.

I don’t want to necessarily associate things because I have associated them before.

I don’t want to avoid thinking about things because they have never happened before.

I don’t want to inadvertently manipulate my life into being just my expectations.

I don’t want to assume I am less biased than anyone else.

I don’t want to assume that people who agree with one thing I believe necessarily share more beliefs of mine.

I don’t want to assign high accuracy to descriptions that are deliberately vague and wide.

I don’t want to assume something is true because it fits in with my current beliefs.

I don’t want to think I am in control of things that I am not.

I don’t want to overestimate how much other people have knowledge of my mental health.

I don’t want to assume others are more egotistical than myself.

I don’t want to think I can make consistent decisions at varying levels of tiredness and/or hunger.

I don’t want to assume that other people are more predictable than myself.

I don’t want to necessarily be more compassionate to fewer identifiable victims than more unidentified ones.

I don’t want to assume losing something is more impactful than having gained it.

I don’t want to appreciate an immediate benefit more than something that has a later payoff that is arguably more valuable.

I don’t want to ignore probability when making an uncertain decision.

I don’t want to prefer making a very small risk into zero risk over making a very large risk into a very small one.

I don’t want to draw different conclusions from the same information presented in different ways.

I don’t want to think of dread as outweighing the power of savouring.

I don’t want to assume the status quo is better than an alternative because it’s what I am used to.

I don’t want to assume that big events have big consequences.

I don’t want to doubt my actual talents and abilities in fear of being called a fraud.

I don’t want to favour opinions of people just because they are in the same demographic or group or situation of myself.

I don’t want to believe in a statement just because it has been made multiple times.

I don’t want to believe in a statement just because it has been made multiple times.

I don’t want to believe in a statement just because it has been made multiple times.

I don’t want to think knowing about bias is enough to overcome it.